Welcome to my blog and thanks for taking interest in
following my journey. My name is Fransisca, a Drexel Dragon in my senior year
who packed my life in a semester into two suitcases and hailed to the land of
the lion a.k.a Singapore. Why Singapore? You’ll understand later as you follow
my journey.
It all started with a casual conversation with a LeBow classmate returning from a study abroad program one and a half year ago. I was very skeptical with the whole study abroad idea at that time especially as a Business and Engineering major. FYI, my major doesn't provide me with any free elective that counts towards graduation. Falling behind wasn't an option, not to mention the extra cost of travelling. But as we talked, I asked myself "Why not?". This might be the only chance I can multitask studying and travelling in a land that I grew to love on my first visit when I was only 14. The wide array of course options that are countable towards my degree doesn't hurt either.
So there I was, beginning to prepare for this adventure by taking extra course load, more than the recommended plan of study. I also told every co-op interviewer about the fact that I had to leave co-op early for this, and that kinda limited my co-op options. Running here and there to get department heads/advisors to approve the credit transfer was fun especially after they get annoyed enough to finally say yes lol :D Looking back to all of those prep work, I must say thanks be to God for giving this Drexel Dragon an awesome opportunity in this land of lions. Soli Deo Gloria!
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